Site /
Linux stats description
- This page is a work in progress
- Around 250 stats
- Need to add process stats and Fibre Channel
- string("datetime",buffer
- string("UTC",buffer
- long("snapshot_seconds",seconds
- long("snapshot_maxloops",maxloops
- long("snapshot_loop",loop
- string("node",ip
- string("name",nn
- long("rc",gpfs_io_curr.rc /* status */
- long("time",gpfs_io_curr.t /* epoc seconds */
- long("tu",DELTA_GPFS(tu)
- long("readbytes", DELTA_GPFS(br)
- long("writebytes", DELTA_GPFS(bw)
- long("open", DELTA_GPFS(oc)
- long("close", DELTA_GPFS(cc)
- long("reads", DELTA_GPFS(rdc)
- long("writes", DELTA_GPFS(wc)
- long("directorylookup",DELTA_GPFS(dir)
- long("inodeupdate", DELTA_GPFS(iu)
- string("node",ip
- string("name",nn
- long("rc",gpfs_fs_curr[i].rc /* status */
- long("time",gpfs_fs_curr[i].t /* epoc seconds */
- long("tu",DELTA_GPFSFS(tu)
- string("cl",gpfs_fs_curr[i].cl
- long("disks",gpfs_fs_curr[i].d
- long("readbytes", DELTA_GPFSFS(br)
- long("writebytes", DELTA_GPFSFS(bw)
- long("open", DELTA_GPFSFS(oc)
- long("close", DELTA_GPFSFS(cc)
- long("reads", DELTA_GPFSFS(rdc)
- long("writes", DELTA_GPFSFS(wc)
- long("directorylookup",DELTA_GPFSFS(dir)
- long("inodeupdate", DELTA_GPFSFS(iu)
- POWER systems only
- from /proc/ppc64/lparcfg
- lparcfg 1.9
- serial_number=IBM,067804930
- system_type=IBM,9009-42A
- partition_id=3
- BoundThrds=1
- CapInc=1
- DisWheRotPer=5120000
- MinEntCap=10
- MinEntCapPerVP=5
- MinMem=1024
- MinProcs=1
- partition_max_entitled_capacity=200
- system_potential_processors=16
- DesEntCap=100
- DesMem=8192
- DesProcs=1
- DesVarCapWt=128
- DedDonMode=0
- CapiLicensed=0
- ServicePartition=0
- NumLpars=7
- partition_entitled_capacity=100
- group=32771
- system_active_processors=16
- pool=0
- pool_capacity=1600
- pool_idle_time=12023362941776105
- pool_num_procs=16
- unallocated_capacity_weight=0
- capacity_weight=128
- capped=0
- unallocated_capacity=0
- physical_procs_allocated_to_virtualization=16
- max_proc_capacity_available=1600
- entitled_proc_capacity_available=700
- entitled_memory=8589934592
- entitled_memory_group_number=32771
- entitled_memory_pool_number=65535
- entitled_memory_weight=0
- unallocated_entitled_memory_weight=0
- unallocated_io_mapping_entitlement=0
- entitled_memory_loan_request=0
- backing_memory=8589934592 bytes
- cmo_enabled=0
- dispatches=76498930
- dispatch_dispersions=1552966
- purr=445330657216
- partition_active_processors=1
- partition_potential_processors=2
- shared_processor_mode=1
- slb_size=32
- power_mode_data=0001000000010001
"stat" cpu_total
- double("user", DELTA_TOTAL(user) /* incrementing counter */
- double("nice", DELTA_TOTAL(nice) /* incrementing counter */
- double("sys", DELTA_TOTAL(sys)/* incrementing counter */
- double("idle", DELTA_TOTAL(idle) /* incrementing counter */
/*pdouble("DEBUG IDLE idle: lld %lld\n", total_cpu.idle, idle, idle-total_cpu.idle */
- double("iowait", DELTA_TOTAL(iowait) /* incrementing counter */
- double("hardirq", DELTA_TOTAL(hardirq) /* incrementing counter */
- double("softirq", DELTA_TOTAL(softirq) /* incrementing counter */
- double("steal", DELTA_TOTAL(steal) /* incrementing counter */
- double("guest", DELTA_TOTAL(guest) /* incrementing counter */
- double("guestnice",DELTA_TOTAL(guestnice) /* incrementing counter */
then for each CPU in detail
- double("user", DELTA_LOGICAL(user) /* counter */
- double("nice", DELTA_LOGICAL(nice) /* counter */
- double("sys", DELTA_LOGICAL(sys)/* counter */
- double("idle", DELTA_LOGICAL(idle) /* counter */
/*pdouble("DEBUG IDLE idle: lld %lld\n", logical_cpu[cpuno].idle, idle, idle-logical_cpu[cpuno].idle */
- double("iowait", DELTA_LOGICAL(iowait) /* counter */
- double("hardirq", DELTA_LOGICAL(hardirq) /* counter */
- double("softirq", DELTA_LOGICAL(softirq) /* counter */
- double("steal", DELTA_LOGICAL(steal) /* counter */
- double("guest", DELTA_LOGICAL(guest) /* counter */
- double("guestnice",DELTA_LOGICAL(guestnice) /* counter */
- double("ctxt",((double)(value - old_ctxt)/elapsed)
- long("btime",value
- double("processes_forks",((double)(value - old_processes)/elapsed)
- long("procs_running",value
- long("procs_blocked",value
- double("reads", (current.dk_reads - previous[i].dk_reads) / elapsed
- double("rmerge", (current.dk_rmerge - previous[i].dk_rmerge) / elapsed
- double("rkb", (current.dk_rkb - previous[i].dk_rkb) / elapsed
- double("rmsec", (current.dk_rmsec - previous[i].dk_rmsec) / elapsed
- double("writes", (current.dk_writes - previous[i].dk_writes) / elapsed
- double("wmerge", (current.dk_wmerge - previous[i].dk_wmerge) / elapsed
- double("wkb", (current.dk_wkb - previous[i].dk_wkb) / elapsed
- double("wmsec", (current.dk_wmsec - previous[i].dk_wmsec) / elapsed
- long("inflight", current.dk_inflight
- double("time", (current.dk_time - previous[i].dk_time) / elapsed
- double("backlog", (current.dk_backlog - previous[i].dk_backlog) / elapsed
- double("xfers", (current.dk_xfers - previous[i].dk_xfers) / elapsed
- long("bsize", current.dk_bsize
- double("ibytes", (current.if_ibytes - previous[i].if_ibytes) / elapsed
- double("ipackets",(current.if_ipackets - previous[i].if_ipackets) / elapsed
- double("ierrs", (current.if_ierrs - previous[i].if_ierrs) / elapsed
- double("idrop", (current.if_idrop - previous[i].if_idrop) / elapsed
- double("ififo", (current.if_ififo - previous[i].if_ififo) / elapsed
- double("iframe", (current.if_iframe - previous[i].if_iframe) / elapsed
- double("obytes", (current.if_obytes - previous[i].if_obytes) / elapsed
- double("opackets",(current.if_opackets - previous[i].if_opackets) / elapsed
- double("oerrs", (current.if_oerrs - previous[i].if_oerrs) / elapsed
- double("odrop", (current.if_odrop - previous[i].if_odrop) / elapsed
- double("ofifo", (current.if_ofifo - previous[i].if_ofifo) / elapsed
- double("ocolls", (current.if_ocolls - previous[i].if_ocolls) / elapsed
- double("ocarrier",(current.if_ocarrier - previous[i].if_ocarrier) / elapsed
- string("name",&buf[strlen("NAME=")+1]
- string("version",&buf[strlen("VERSION=")+1]
- string("pretty_name",&buf[strlen("PRETTY_NAME=")+1]
- string("version_id",&buf[strlen("VERSION_ID=")+1]
- Stats from /proc/version
- string("version"
- string("architecture",&buf[data_col]
- string("byte_order",&buf[data_col]
- string("cpus",&buf[data_col]
- string("online_cpu_list",&buf[data_col]
- string("online_cpu_list",&buf[data_col]
- string("model",&buf[data_col]
- string("model_name",&buf[data_col]
- string("threads_per_core",&buf[data_col]
- string("cores_per_socket",&buf[data_col]
- string("sockets",&buf[data_col]
- string("numa_nodes",&buf[data_col]
- string("cpu_mhz",&buf[data_col]
- string("cpu_max_mhz",&buf[data_col]
- string("cpu_min_mhz",&buf[data_col]
- string("bogomips",&buf[data_col]
- string("vendor_id",&buf[data_col]
- string("cpu_family",&buf[data_col]
- string("stepping",&buf[data_col]
- Stats from /proc/uptime
- long("total_seconds",value
- long("days",days
- long("hours",hours
"filesystems" ^ Stats via System Calls setmntent() and getmntent()
- string("fs_dir", fs->mnt_dir
- string("fs_type", fs->mnt_type
- string("fs_opts", fs->mnt_opts
- long("fs_freqs", fs->mnt_freq
- long("fs_passno", fs->mnt_passno
- long("fs_bsize", vfs.f_bsize
- long("fs_size_mb", (vfs.f_blocks * vfs.f_bsize) / 1024 / 1024
- long("fs_free_mb", (vfs.f_bfree * vfs.f_bsize) / 1024 / 1024
- long("fs_used_mb", (vfs.f_blocks * vfs.f_bsize) / 1024 / 1024 - (vfs.f_bfree * vfs.f_bsize) / 1024 / 1024
- double("fs_full_percent", ((vfs.f_blocks * vfs.f_bsize) - (vfs.f_bfree * vfs.f_bsize) ) /
- long("fs_avail", (vfs.f_bavail * vfs.f_bsize) / 1024 / 1024
- long("fs_files", vfs.f_files
- long("fs_files_free", vfs.f_ffree
- long("fs_namelength", vfs.f_namelen
- States from "/proc/cpuinfo
- double("mhz_clock",value
- string("vendor_id",&buf[12]
- double("cpu_mhz",value
- double("cache_size",value
- long("physical_id",int_val
- long("siblings",int_val
- long("core_id",int_val
- long("cpu_cores",int_val
- string("model_name",&buf[13]
- string("timebase",&buf[11]
- long("power_timebase",power_timebase
- string("platform",&buf[11]
- string("model",&buf[9]
- string("machine",&buf[11]
- string("firmware",&buf[11]
- string(name,buf
- string("hostname", hostname
- string("shorthostname", shorthostname
- string(label, p->ai_canonname
- string(label,str
- string(label,str
- string("njmon_command", command
- string("njmon_version", version
- string("username", pw->pw_name
- long("userid", uid
- string("username","unknown"