
nmonchart - webpage graphs from nmon data

nmonchart is a Korn shell script for AIX or Linux
to convert nmon collected files to a webpage (.html)
including Google Chart and JavaScript to display the
top 60+ AIX and Linux Performance Graphs and configuration details


  • nmonchart <nmon-file> <output-file>.html

For example:

  • nmonchart blue_150508_0800.nmon blue_150508_0800.html


  • nmonchart blue_150508_0800.nmon
    • if you miss out the output filename is will use the source filename and replace .nmon with .html

Or you could put the .html straight on to your website (assuming Apache is using /var/www/html)

  • nmonchart blue_150508_0800.nmon /var/www/html/blue_150508_0800.html

Online Immediate nmonchart generated graphs - a Website on the Internet

  1. Don't want to download code, run KSH scripts on AIX or Linux? To much like hard work?
  2. Use the online service:
    1. Upload your nmon file using your browser
    2. . . . Wait a couple of seconds
    3. Your browser gets send the graphs
    4. Job Done!
  3. Currently this is running at http://mr-nmon.com/nmonchart_index.html
  4. This is running on a Nigel's Raspberry Pi 400

Here is a simple small sample file so you can see what the graphs look like:

  • sampleC.html - small sample and quick to load but some data faked to make the graphs look good (not largely full of zeros).
  • sampleD.html - large real-life sample and can take a few seconds to load
  • Used the nmonchart like this:
    • ./nmonchart sampleC.nmon sampleC.html
    • ./nmonchart sampleD.nmon sampleD.html
  • Both of these and the original .nmon files are in the download files below for you to try.


  • IBM Lab Services regularly uses nmonchart to perform Power Systems Health-Checks (among many other tools).
  • As a service you get a System Admin / Performance specialist at your site to make tuning recommendations about your Power Server(s).
  • And they can show you how to install and use nmonchart.

Haven't got access to AIX or Linux! Don't worry you can use VirtualBox to run Ubuntu for free on you PC or Laptop:

  • I have Windows 11 on a Intel Laptop with 4 CPUs + 16 GB RAM- plan on using 30 GB of disk space for your Virtual machine.
  • Download VirtualBox for Windows 11 and install it
  • Download the AMD64 Ubuntu 22.10 installation DVD images - I selects the full desktop version (Note: for me Ubuntu 22.04 failed to install)
  • Using VirtualBox to create a VM & install Ubuntu into it. The default user is "vboxuser" and the password "changeme"
  • On the VirtualBox Windows application, create a Shared Folder. This allows sharing files (nmonchart ksh script and your nmon files between Windows and Ubuntu (I used):
    • Folder path -> C:\users\nigel\Documents
    • Name -> Documents
    • Create the link and reboot Ubuntu
  • On Ubuntu as root: mount -t vboxfs Documents /media
  • My Windows, files in the Documents folder contents appear in Ubuntu /media
  • On Ubuntu, install ksh as root: apt install ksh93*
  • On Ubuntu, switch from bash to Korn shell: ksh

On Ubuntu, run nmonchart as below: ./nmonchart samepleC.nmon

Below are:

  1. The download details on the nmonchart .tar file (4 MB) including history of updates
  2. Gallery of the graphs produced (click on the small images for details)
  3. The README for the latest version(included in the download package)


Download FileComments
nmonchart43.tarCurrent Version 43 - 10th Feb 2025
New Features of nmonchart version 43
- Apple macOS support and other strange UNIX flavours with ksh with a strange directory
- LARGE nmon files = meaning more than 9999 snapshots in a file.
-- Big thanks to Ivor Goncharov for these code fixes and advanced awk options.
-- Change to awk that deals with Timestamps to use RSTART & RLENGTH which allows Timestamps more than T9999 i.e. four digits.
- Note: use "nmon -w digits" option (now also available in nmon for Linux 16r onwards) to set the number of digits in the Timestamp (T numbers used in ZZZZ lines).
-- Suggest: -w 6 for up to 999999 snapshots.
-- This stops ordering problems on T9999 to T10000 boundaries & T99999 to T100000 etc. Graphs of 10,000 datapoints with a screens of 1920 pixel wide is "challenging"!
-- But does work now, thanks to Ivor - the screen updates can take a few seconds.
- Clean up one large sed command for readability and small correction.
nmonchart42.tarNew Features of nmonchart version 42
- Support for AIX Volume Groups stats. Example graph: nmonchart42_volumegroup.jpg
- This requires capturing with the nmon -A option on AIX.
- Small bug fixes to handle some odd formatting in nmon files.
nmonchart40.tarNew Features of nmonchart version 40
- Support for VIOS SEA, VIOS SEA Packet and VIOS SEA Physical Network. Example: redvios1.html
- This requires capturing with the nmon -O option on the VIOS.
- These and Fibre Channel (FC) stats buttons go on a new line - if found in the .nmon file.
- Change the threshold from 5.0 to 0.05 on CPU_USE graphs.
nmonchart39.tarOld Version 39 - 19th Nov 2019
New Features of nmonchart version 39
- Support for AIX 7.2 TL4+ CPUMHZ stats (Higher MHz used in CPU Max Mode on POWER9).
- Note: you must add the -y dfreq=on to the end of the nmon command line
nmonchart38.tarOld Version 38 - 12th Oct 2019
New Features of nmonchart version 38
- Added Disk Transfer (DISKXFER) graph to have both Stacked and Unstacked graphs
- Clearer Zoom In/Out details
nmonchart37.tarOld Version 37 - 13th Sept 2019
New Features of nmonchart version 37
- Correction to the Paging rate graph title (thanks to Alan Wilcox for reporting this confusion) to
-- "All Paging (pgin & pgout) & Paging from Paging Space only (pgsin & pgsout) per second"
- Change Logical CPU USE (SMT) to ignore values below 5%
-- highlights real use of the SMT threads + new title & ignores SMT threads which are just ticking over
-- change graph title to explain this Average Use of Logical CPU Core Threads POWER=SMT or x86=Hyperthreads (ignoring values below 5%)
- Typo transers to transfers
RemovedVersion 35 - 13th Feb 2019
- Good speed up in performance - especially with large numbers of snapshots - thanks to Klaus Franke
- Added four AIX Fibre Channel Graphs by request. Note you need to run nmon with the -^ to include FC stats.
- Removed the need for the 2nd parameter. It uses the 1st parameter & will replace the .nmon with .html
-- If not ending in .nmon it just added the .html anyway.
RemovedVersion 34 - 4th July 2018
- Fix to TopDisks by adding the paste command -d, option
- Added to Linux nmon files from PowerVM (POWER hypervisor) PhysicalCPU and Shared CPU Pool Free graphs
- Thanks to Enrico Joedecke for the above fix and suggestion
- For Linux the RunQueue graph includes Blocked processes
- JFS data "nan" short for "not a number" (usually not a real filesystem) replaced with -1.234 so graphs work
RemovedVersion 33 - 4th Nov 2017
- Added Top 15 Disks Graph - particularly useful if the data has 100's or 1000's of disks
RemovedVersion 32 18th Oct 2017
- Added for AIX a new memory graph for System%, Process%, Cache% and Free%. Note: in the nmon Analyser it is the MEMNEW graph.
- Added handling for single GPU (normally in pairs)
RemovedVersion 31 - 9th Dec 2016
- Fix for Top Processes sort arguments for Linux which handles -t, differently resulting in not having the Top 20 processes on Linux.
- Fix Linux machines with no disks reported in AAA,disks,0 line - we skip graphing the disks.
- Added sampleD.nmon and sampleD.html as a much larger & more interesting set of nmon stats.
- Note: sampleC had some stats faked up my me!
RemovedVersion 30 - 22nd Sept 2016
Fix for running the nmonchart Ksh script on Linux. AIX has "print -n" option but Linux does not.


nmon version 16 additional stats
and nmonchart 24 graphs
All ten Linux Utilisation statsMHz changing on a S822LC 
nmon version 16 Nvidia GPU support on S822LC  
GPU CPU UtilisationGPU Memory UtilisationGPU Temperature
GPU Electrical Watts UsedGPU MHz 
nmon Disk Group GraphsCaptured on nmon for Linux with nmon -f -g auto
So its only disks and the disk partitions
are skipped
DG busy,
DG read, DG write,
DG block size & DG Xfers
nmon Disk Service & Wait TimeCaptured on nmon for AIX with nmon -f -dDisk Service Time, Disk Wait Time,
Service Read Time & Service Write Time
Version 27 new buttons AIXNew buttons LinuxConfiguration Details pop-up
Versions32 - Mem Use graph
Versions33 - Top Disk graph
Version 42 - AIX Volume Group

README for nmonchart 42 by Nigel Griffiths


The Korn shell script file nmonchart transforms .nmon performance capture files into .html files for a webserver site.

If your .nmon is called hostname_date_time.nmon and the website pages are at /webpages/docs then use it like this:

   ./nmonchart hostname_date_time.nmon /webpages/docs/hostname_date_time.html

Alternatively, script the second parameters and the output file name is the first parameter but the .nmon is changed to .html

Then nmonchart script needs the Korn shell installed (ksh). nmonchart has NOT been tested with sh, Csh or bash. These are not supported. AIX and Linux have Korn Shell called ksh, If your Linux does not have ksh, you should install it.

The script works out if it is running on AIX or Linux and makes two changes based on that. For details check the top of the script.

nmonchart is complex as it is 1600 lines long. Mostly due to supporting so many grapsh with roughly 10 to 10 lines per graph.

nmonchary is a fairly simple Korn shell mostly using grep, sed and awk. The awk can get a little complex.

For performance data n the nmon file in a fixed column format like

    physical CPU, run queue and memory stats 
    it is simple to pick out the column names and data columnsand graph it.

For data that is not fixed format as it depends on the variable numbers of

    resources like disk, network, CPUs the code is more complex.
    It has to workout the number of resources and the names from the header 
    line and then process tha number of columns from the data lines.

The graphs like TOPSUM and TOPCMD are quite tricky and the database has to be calculatelt, listed orders and selected fro other data.

For testing included in the package there is a supplied sample nmon file

    called: sampleC.nmon and a sample output file called: sampleC.html

    The .html file swas create like this:
       ./nmonchart sampleC.nmon 

The same goes for sampleD.nmon

Examine the sampleC.html to find out how it contains the data and how it

    it generates the graphs inside you web browser:
  It is coded in Javascript
  Which called the Googlechart library (directly from the web) to generate 
    the graphs
     - find more information here https://developers.google.com/chart/
     - it has lots of functions and makes beautiful graphs
  For each graphs
    - The data in Javascript array format and the ZZZ data transformed into 
       a Javascript date format
    - Thee is also chart drawing options and graph type instructions
  At the bottom of the script it creates the Javascript buttons and 
  then the config data that is displayed at the bottom of the webpage.

Output file size

Note nmonchart output files (.html) are typically much smaller than the

    original nmon file.  Something like 20% of the size.
    Large .nmon files will take longer to process & display but should finish.

This is unlike the nmon Analyser Excel files output which can typically

    be twice the sizeas the original .nmon file.

New Features of nmonchart version 42 - Small bug fixed for handling unusual data. - AIX Volume Group stats are graphed: VG Busy%, VG rea & write KB/s,

    VG Block Size and VG Transfers/s. The buttons are grey.

New Features of nmonchart version 40 - Support for VIOS SEA, VIOS SEA Packet and VIOS SEA Phyiscal Network - This requires capturing with the nmon -O option on the VIOS - These and FibreChannel (FC) stats buttons go on a new line

  - if found in the .nmon file.

- Change the threshold from 5.0 to 0.05 on CPU_USE graphs.

New Features of nmonchart version 39 - Support for AIX 7.2 TL4+ CPUMHZ state if you add the -y dfreq=on flag

    on POWER9+

New Features of nmonchart version 38 - Added Disk Transfer Stacked graph - Changes Zoom in/out wording

New Features of nmonchart version 37 - Correction to the Paging rate graph title to

   "All Paging (pgin & pgout) & Paging from Paging Space only (pgsin & pgsout)
     per second"
   - thanks to Alan Wilcox for reporting this confusion

- Change Logical CPU USE (SMT) to ignore values below 5%

   - the highlight real use of the SMT threads + new title
   - ignores SMT just ticking over
   - change graph title to explian this
    Average Use of Logical CPU Core Threads - POWER=SMT or x86=Hyperthreads 
    (ignoring values below 5%)

- Typo transers to transfers

New Features of nmonchart version 35 - thanks to Klaus Franke for the

    speed up code snippet

- Good speed up in performance - specially with large numbers of

    snapshots (i.e. many thousands)

- Added four AIX Fibre Channel Graphs by request. Note you need to run

    nmon with the -^ to include FC stats.

- Removed the need for the 2nd parameter - it uses the 1st parameter &

    will replace the .nmon with .html
  If not ending in .nmon it just added the .html anyway.

New Features of nmonchart version 34 - thanks to Enrico Joedecke for

    the fix and suggestions

- Fix to TopDisks by adding the paste command -d, option - Added to Linux nmon files from PowerVM (POWER hypervisor) PhysicalCPU

    and Shared CPU Pool Free graphs

- For Linux the RunQueue graph incldes Blocked processes - JFS data "nan" short for "not a number" (usually not a real filesystem)

    replaced with -1.234 so graphs work

New Features of nmonchart version 33 - Added the Top 15 Disks graph - button on the top line - Top disks are determined by the sum of all the Busy percentages for each disk - Short lived peaks to high percentages may not appear as a busy disk - This top 15 disks can help when the nmon file has many tens to houndred

    or thousands of disks.

New Features of nmonchart version 32 - Added the AIX MemUse graph for Process%, File system cache%, System%, Free% - Added handling of Linux GPU, if there is just one GPU

New Features of nmonchart version 31 - Fix for Top Processes sort arguments for Linux which handles -t, differently - Fix Linux machines with no disks reported in AAA,disks,0 line

    - we skip graphing the disks

- Added sampleD.nmon and sampleD.html as a much larger & more interesting

    set of nmon stats 

- Note: sampleC had some stats faked up my me!

New Features of nmonchart version 30 - work around differences of echo and print for AIX and Linux - see PRINTN

    in the script.

New Features of nmonchart version 29 Zoom In and Out added - thanks to Ivan Goncharov for the hint - Left-click and drag the mouse to highlight an area to Zoom then when

    you let go it will Zoom In

- Right-click to Reset and see the whole graph again

New Features of nmonchart version 28 1) Added PROCCOUNT (count of processes) as this was release via an

    AIXpert Blog about nmon Extermal Data Collectors

2) Added MORE1 and MORE3 examples for people adding their own stats. 3) Buttons for adapter typo fixed

New Features of nmonchart version 27 The buttons labels are upper and lowercase = look nicer Added the nmon Configuration button to pop-up a window with the AAA & BBB data Unfortunately, this highlights browser behaving differently - Firefox no scroll bars so use PageDown - Chrome has scroll bars - Internet Explorer I get a blank windows but it works for other people The Top Process Summary and Top Commands Buttons moved up at the top

  line to save space 

If you do not want the Config button (it does add to the .html size)

  set wantCONFIG=0 near the top of the nmonchart script - =1 means we want it.

New Features of nmonchart version 27 1) Better Configurtion button support 2) Top Commands bubble diagram and graph move to the top line 3) Graph title improvements and clarification 4) Buttons in mixed case for readability 5) Link to nmonchart download and information website

New Features of nmonchart version 26 - not released

New Features of nmonchart version 25 Added the following AIX Disk Service time stats which are collected

  if you add the nmon -d option

In the nmon file these lines start with


- Disk Service time in milli-seconds - Disk Read Service time in milli-seconds - Disk Write Service time in milli-seconds - Disk Wait time in milli-seconds

New Features of nmonchart version 24 1) Disk Groups Now supported User Defined Disks Groups data. nmon -g filename

  or nmon -g auto

- This is particularly good for nmon for Linux ae -g auto will remove

  all the disk + partition duplication

- In the data frile look for likes starting like DGBUSY etc. - Also very good to group your disks like database, backup, dump,

  or rdbms_log, rdbms_data

- New Graphs

    DGBUSY - Disk Group busy percentage for each disk - Stacked lines
    DGBUSYu - Disk Group busy percentage for each disk - Unstacked lines
    DGREAD - Disk Group read throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
    - Stacked lines
    DGREADu - Disk Group read throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
    - Unstacked lines
    DGWRITE - Disk Group write throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
    - Stacked lines
    DGWRITEu - Disk Group write throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
    - Unstacked lines
    DGSIZE - Disk Group block sizes
    DGXTER - Disk Group Transfers per second

2) S822LC can have NVidia GPU adapters - A special nmon version 16c to capture, GPU stats: GPU Util, Memory Util,

    Temperature, Watts and GPU MHz

- In the data look for lines starting with GPU_ - Note each adapters has two GPUs so a total of four - New Graphs

    GPU_UTIL - NVidea GPU Stats, GPU CPU Utilisation percent
    GPU_MEM - NVidea GPU Stats, GPU Memory Utilisation percent
    GPU_TEMP - NVidea GPU Stats, Temperature in degrees Centigrade
    GPU_WATTS - NVidea GPU Stats, input electrical power in Watts
    GPU_MHZ - NVidea GPU Stats, GPU Mhz

3) Linux Utilisation stats now ten of them - Linux now has ten utuilisaiton stats: user, nice, system, ide, wait for IO,

    steal, irq, soft irq, guest and guert nice

- nmon for LInux 16c onwards captures these - Note a CPU core thread is reported as 100% otherwise machines with

    160 only ever reports tiny percentages.

- New Graph

    Not included the data for each CPU core thread 
    - my machines have up to 160!!!

Summary of the graphs

    PHYSICAL_CPU - PhysicalCPU, VirtualCPU & entitlement (AIX only LPAR stats))
    POOLIDLE - If switched on at the LPAR level PoolIdle & Pool CPU count 
      (AIX only
    CPU_UTILisation - User%, System%, Wait% and Idle%
    CPU_USE - Logical CPU Core Use (Power SMT or x86 Hyperthreads) 
    RUNQ - Run Queue in number of processes
    PSWITCH - Process Switches as the kernel runs different programs
    SYSCALL - Systems calls of processes requesting Kernel operations 
      - Total and read, write calls
    READWRITE - Read and Write System calls only
    FORKEXEC - Systems call fork (duplicate a process) and exec 
      (overwrite current process with a new program)
    FILEIO - System call - number of bytes on the read + write system call 
      - includes disks, network sockets and pipes
    REALMEM - Total RAM (MB) and Free RAM (MB) (AIX only)
    VIRTMEM - Virtual memory (paging space) Total (MB) and Free (MB) (AIX only)
    MEM_LINUX - Total RAM, Free RAM (MB), and other Linux memory stats 
      (Linux Only)
    SWAP_LINUX - Swap size (MB) and Swap Free (MB (Linux only)
    FSCACHE - Filesystem Cache (numperm) size in percent with minperm% 
      and maxperm% (AIX only)
    PAGING - Paging space: pages in (pgin) and out (pgout) plus Filesystem 
      paging: in (pgsin) and out (psout)
    SWAPIN - Process swap back in to memory per second
    TOPSUM - If your nmon file includes TOP process (nmon -t or nmon -T) 
      - Bubble diagram of top process by total CPU cycles, total I/O KB 
      and max Memory size
	- horizontal axis = CPU cycles in total
	- vertical axis the I/O generated this could be network, disk, 
            pipes, sockets
	- size of the bubble is the memory size
    TOPCMD - If your nmon file includes TOP process (nmon -t or nmon -T) 
      - top 15 commands and their CPU use over time. 

    NET - Network throughput read & write for each network in KByes per second
    NETPACKET - Numbers of read & write packets per second for each network
    NETSIZE - The average number of bytes in each packet for each network 
    ADAPT_KPS - Throughput in KBytes per second read & write for each disk 
    ADAPT_TPS - Transactions per second read and write for each disk adapter
    DISKBUSY - Disk busy percentage for each disk - Stacked lines
    DISKBUSYu - Disk busy percentage for each disk - Unstacked lines
    DISKREAD - Disk read throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
      - Stacked lines
    DISKREADu - Disk read throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
      - Unstacked lines
    DISKWRITE - Disk write throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
      - Stacked lines
    DISKWRITEu - Disk write throughput in KBytes per second for each disk 
      - Unstacked lines
    DISKBSIZE - Disk block sizes
    DISKXTER - Disk Transfers per second
    JFS - Journaled Filesystem Percent Full
    IPC - Interprocess Communication meaning Semaphores and messages queues. 

Graphs not supported

  More than 150 Disks - You have the adapter view for overall Disk stats. 
    Data files with crazy numbers of disks in the thousands are just 
    impossible or graph or manage (IMHO). Please rethink or disk strategy 
    and get the storage subsystem to do the work and not you.

    The first 150 plus top 20 plus the adapter totals is a good compromise.

Graphs that are not going to happen and why

	Individual Logical CPU Utilisation also called CPU core threads
         - up to 1920 with the new Power10 E1080 with 140 cores)
        Mostly pointless and misleading - they are timesharing the 
         physical CPU cores.
        Better to study the VM LPAR physical CPU use and UTIL graphs. 

Adding new graphs - I am interested in hearing you ideas on new graphs you would like to have. - They need to add value for most nmon users - Adding graphs from the nmon file is pretty easy as we have

    already worked though the issues of most formatting options

- So it is a cut'n'paste rename the graph and make minor formatting changes

    for the column, don't forget the button lines at the bottom.

- Yet more disks graphs for stupidly high numbers of disks is not a good idea.

nmonchart created webpages or Graph failures

If you transform the nmon data but the webpage does not work -

    What should you do?

1 Feel free to send me the original nmon file to investigate 2 Mostly, the webpage will probably display OK but the buttons will not work 3 Javascript and Google charts are rather fussy in the syntax 4 Sometimes the first few graphs work but later in the page ones will

    not do anything - this is a good indicator of where the syntax issue 
    is in the file.

5 If something like the number of disks changes during the collecting of

    data then you will find the disk buttons and later buttons will not work.  
    The nmon data collect does NOT handle this by design. This is to 
    reduce nmon CPU time by a large amount.
    If you need this feature move to njmon.

6 You could go looking at the .html file looking for oddly formatted

     lines - I have tried to indent the Java script code to make this possible.

7 If you work a fix, please email the original nmonchart and the fixed

     nmonchart scripts plus a sample nmon file that includes the data graphed.

Testing of nmonchart

I have more than 1000 nmon files to test. This includes:

  Current AIX 6 and 7
  Back dated AIX 6 and 7 including some with nmon errors of 5 years ago
  Old AIX 5 files - mostly to check utilisation before upgrading to POWER8

  Current Linux on Power from SUSE, Ubuntu and Red Hat
  Current Linux on x86 and x86_64 from SUSE, Ubuntu and Red Hat 
  Also other hardware like ARM.
  Other Linux distro' and some older releases too.

  On strange, rare or older nmon files a lot of work has gone into 
	support or at least not crashing on oddly formatted data

- nmonchart is now pretty robust ... unless you know differently!!

  I would like more examples from Mainframe and other Linux Distro's 
  Also examples of large servers running at 70 to 90% busy with 
    more that 32 CPU cores and 1TB of memory

Cheers Nigel Griffiths nigelargriffiths@hotmail.com Twitter @mr_nmon