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njmon Architecture alternatives for a stats database and graphing
njmon - I can't test everything.
- Volunteers that know more about these tools wanted.
- Please get in touch if you can help.
Grafana covers many database tools and InfluxDB


Another popular toolset is elastic: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK):
- Open source and popular for people first wanting to save and analyse/graph log file data
- From what I have read, logstash actually store its data as JSON
- Use elastic filebeat to load your njmon JSON
- I found this surprisingly easy to set up and use
- Use filebeat to monitor a file for extra data and send that too
- As JSON is already structured it is easy to then graph with the integrated Kibana (or Grafana!)
If you are an "elastic" expert, please share your experience and hint & tips.
I tested Splunk (harder to install and get going as it has lots of function for log file analysis (not needed for njmon stats
- I hacked out a njmon fo injector to add the njmon stats to the Splunk database and found the data in Splunk OK
- I then got a bit lost getting the stat graphable
- It does seem to work.