The nimon_list_stats ksh shell script documents the Measures and Statistics within them for a particular njmon/nimon capture.
Note: Here we use nimon data output to create the measures and stats details but the Measures and Statistics from njmon are EXACTLY the same.
nimon_list_stats ksh script
Link to the ksh script version of the below text: https:/docs/nimon_list_stats
# nimon_list_stats # 1 parameter = the nimon -f output file in InfluxDB Line protocol format # Suggest nimon -s1 -c1 -f # nimon_list_stats hostname_datetime.influxlp file=$1 echo File: $file echo echo Tags '- Used to graph a specific host, group by OS or model type etc.' cat $file | head -1 | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/identity,//' | tr ',' '\n' | awk '{printf(" %s\n", $1 ) }' TAGS=$(cat $file | head -1 | sed 's/,/ /' | awk '{ print $2 }') TMPFILE=/tmp/$0-$$ cat $file | sed 's/'$TAGS'//' | sed 's/ $//' >$TMPFILE echo echo 'MEASURES - Trailing "i" means only an integer allowed, otherwise a "string" or floating point number' echo for i in $( cat $TMPFILE | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq ) do echo Measure: $(echo $i | tr , ' ' ) grep ^$i $TMPFILE | tail -1 | \ sed 's/, / /g' | sed 's/@/+/g' | sed 's/IBM,/IBM/g' | sed 's/ /@/' | \ awk -F@ '{ print $2 }' | tr ' ' '!' |tr ',' '\n' | \ awk '{printf(" %s\n", $1 ) }' | tr '!' ' ' done rm $TMPFILE
Using the script nimon_list_stats by Example
- nimon -s 1 -c 1 -f
Or run
- njmon -I -s 1 -c 1 -f (that is a capital -I which switches njmon into nimon mode).
Assuming this created a file in the local directory: blue_20230802_0900.influxdb
Then use: nimon_list_stats blue_20230802_0900.influxdb >nimon_list_stats.txt
Sample Output Files of nimon_list_stats
Small server example files:
- AIX: nimon_list_stats_AIX.txt
- Linux: nimon_list_stats_Linux_Power.txt
- Linux: nimon_list_stats_Linux_AMD64.txt - Also known as x86_64
AIX example but cut down to save space
From my small AIX virtual machine = 4 CPUs, two disks, 1 network, with processes - there was 1900 stats but edited down.
Output includes the nimon output file name.
File: bluelite_20230802_0959.influxlp Tags - Used to graph a specific host, group by OS or model type etc. host=bluelite os=AIX architecture=POWER10 serial_no=782C6E1 mtm=IBM-9105-42A MEASURES - Trailing "i" means only an integer allowed, otherwise a "string" or floating point number Measure: config partitionname="bluelite" nodename="bluelite" processorFamily="POWER10" processorModel="IBM9105-42A" machineID="782XXXX" processorMHz=3100.000 pcpu_max=32i pcpu_online=32i OSname="AIX" OSversion="7.3" OSbuild="Nov 21 2021 08:05:02 2146C_730" lcpus=24i smtthreads=8i drives=2i nw_adapter=2i cpucap_min=10i cpucap_max=300i cpucap_desired=0i . . . Measure: cpu_details cpus_active=24i cpus_configured=24i mhz=3100.000 cpus_description="PowerPC_POWER10" . . . Measure: cpu_logical_total user=0.288 sys=0.288 wait=0.461 idle=98.963 . . . Measure: cpu_util user_pct=4.658 kern_pct=3.601 idle_pct=91.386 wait_pct=0.355 physical_busy=0.017 physical_consumed=0.063 idle_donated_pct=0.000 busy_donated_pct=0.000 idle_stolen_pct=0.000 busy_stolen_pct=0.000 entitlement=0.200 entitlement_pct=31.366 freq_pct=129.456 nominal_mhz=3100.000 current_mhz=4013.141 . . . Measure: disk_total disks=2i size=130816i free=256i xrate_read=5.895 xfers=5.895 read_blks=53.057 write_blks=0.000 time=5.158 rserv=8.521 wserv=0.000 rtimeout=0.000 wtimeout=0.000 rfailed=0.000 wfailed=0.000 wq_time=0.003 wq_depth=0i . . . Measure: memory virt_total=4325376i real_total=4194304i real_free=3461508i real_pinned=594244i real_inuse=732796i pgbad=0.000 pgexct=3669.028 pgins=11.054 pgouts=0.000 pgspins=0.000 pgspouts=0.000 scans=0.000 cycles=0.000 pgsteals=0.000 numperm=86974i pgsp_total=131072i . . . Measure: rperf mtm="IBM-9105-42A" nominal_mhz=3100.000 cpu_vp=3.000 cpu_entitled=0.200 cpu_consumed=0.063 Measure: server aix_version=7.300 aix_technology_level=0i aix_service_pack=1i aix_build_year=2021i aix_build_week=48i serial_no="782C6E1" lpar_number_name="30 bluelite" machine_type="IBM-9105-42A" uname_node="bluelite" errpt_errors=31i autorestart=1i systemid="06782XXXX" fwversion="FW1020.00(ML1020_059)" XIVE=1i partition_uuid="2d14e5ff-70f3-40fe-9ec5-c672e7a7f5fc" Measure: timestamp datetime="2023-01-03T09:59:10" UTC="2023-01-03T09:59:10" snapshot_seconds=1i snapshot_maxloops=1i snapshot_loop=0i sleeping=1.000 execute_time=0.000 sleep_overrun=0.000 elapsed=1.357 Xint=125i Xfrac=64i Measure: uptime days=32i hours=12i minutes=32i users=9i